Monday, September 16, 2013

Quiz on Stomach Key Points (Don't Worry, Its Open Book!)

Stomach Key Points Quiz

1. Chronic pyloric hypertrophic gastropathy:
                 a. is common in brachycephalic dogs
                 b. is seen in young dogs
                 c. is a form of acquired pyloric disease
                 d. is best treated by pyloromyotomy
                 e. c and d are correct
2. What is the “holding” or strongest histologic layer of the stomach:
     a. serosa
     b. muscularis
     c. submucosa
     d. mucosa
                 e. mucous lining
3. The source(s) of stomach gas in gastric dilatation-volvulus is(are):
                  a. swallowed air
                  b. bacterial fermentation
                  c. carbon dioxide diffusing from capillaries
                  d. necrosis of tissue allowing anaerobic bacteria to proliferate and release gas
                  e. all of the above
4. The preferred method of pyloroplasty for CHPG is:
                  a. Heineke-Mikulitz
                  b. Fredet-Ramstedt
                  c. P to G pyloroplasty
                  d. Y to U pyloroplasty
                  e. Bilroth II
5. On a right lateral abdominal radiograph of a dog with GDV, the stomach looks like a:
      a. Football helmet
      b. Smurf hat
      c. Tri-corner hat
      d. Sponge Bob Square Pants
      e. None of the above
6. NSAID induced perforating gastric ulcers in dogs usually occur in the:
      a. fundus
      b. lesser curvature of cardia
      c. greater curvature of the body
      d. lesser curvature of the pyloric antrum
      e. duodenum
7. NSAIDs can cause gastric ulcers by:
      a. mucosal irritation
      b. reduced prostagladin production
      c. delayed mucosal healing
      d. decreased gastric blood flow
      e. all of the above
8. In the VKP described incisional pyloroplasty, the incision in the stomach was in:
     a. the gastric fundus, perpendicular to the long axis of the stomach
     b. the gastric body, parallel to the long axis of the stomach
     c. the pylorus
     d. the pyloric antrum, parallel to the long axis of the stomach
     e. the pyloric antrum, perpendicular to the long axis of the stomach
9. GDV dogs can present in shock usually because:
     a. gastric distension causes decreased blood flow through the caudal vena cava
     b. gastric distension causes decreased blood flow through the aorta
     c. thrombosis of the aorta
     d. myocardial depressant factor released by the pituitary gland
     e. hemorrhage from the liver
10. True or False: CHPG stands for: Chronically and Horrendously Passing Gas

Answer Key: 

1. c; 2. c; 3. a; 4. d; 5. b, 6. d, 7. e, 8. e, 9. a, 10. F

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