Sunday, December 8, 2013

Intestinal surgery quiz

1. True or False: Mortality rate associated with linear foreign bodies is the same as non-linear foreign bodies (such as a corn cob or ball).

2. In an intussuception, the section of intestine that is telescoped inside is called the:
            a. intussusceptum
            b. intussucipiens
            c. intussusinside
            d. dead part
            e. who cares?

3. What is the reported mortality rate for dogs having intestinal leakage after enterotomy or resection and anastomosis:
            a. 10%
            b. 30%
            c. 50%
            d. 75%
            e. 100%

  4. What is the “holding” or strongest histologic layer of the intestine:
a. serosa
b. muscularis
c. submucosa
d. mucosa
e. pseudostratified epithelium

  5. Intestinal anastomotic breakdown usually occurs:
            a. 1-2 days post-operatively
            b. 3-5 days post-operatively
            c. 5-7 days post-operatively
            d. 7-10 days post-operatively
            e. if you don’t sing “Kum-bi-ya”

 6. Which of the following is true about intussuception in dogs and cats:
a.     usually occurs at the ileo-ceco-colic junction in dogs
b.     is frequently not reducible
c.     is usually secondary to some primary disease process
d.     usually occurs in the jejunum in cats, and is associated with inflammatory bowel disease or lymphosarcoma in older cats
e.     all of the above are true

7. Name possible causes of ileus after intestinal surgery.
            a. pain (sympathetic stimulation)
            b. peritonitis
            c. hypokalemia
            d. mechanical obstruction
            e. All of the above

8. Name possible clinical signs of intestinal leakage after resection and anastomosis.
            a. fever
            b. abdominal pain
            c. anorexia
            d. vomiting
            e. all of the above

9. True or False: Linear foreign bodies sometimes cause full thickness perforation of the mesenteric aspect of the intestine.

10.  Which suture is best for closure of the intestine in a dog or cat:
            a. 2-0 catgut
            b. 3-0 polypropylene,  CA 2 needle
            c. 4-0 PDS, AR 1 needle
            d. 4-0 PDS, RB 1 needle
            e. 4-0 stainless steel

Answers: F, a, d, c, b, e, e, e, T, d

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