Monday, April 14, 2014

What's Your Diagnosis? Lucky, a 4 yr old female spayed dog with a large vaginal mass.

Lucky is a 4-year-old mixed breed spayed female dog that presented for a vaginal mass. The mass has been present for approximately 3 weeks and has not changed in size since initially noticed by the owners. Lucky is urinating and defecating without problems. She has no other history of medical problems, other than the owners have noticed occasional small amounts of blood tinged vaginal discharge in the past 1-2 years.

Physical examination of Lucky revealed a bright, alert, and well-hydrated dog with no significant abnormalities other than the vaginal mass. Vaginal exam revealed an intraluminal mass that appeared to originate from the vaginal mucosa. The mass was smooth, movable, and non painful. Rectal exam revealed no abnormalities.

Appearance of hind quarters and vaginal area of Lucky
Routine blood work (CBC and serum chemistry profile) was within normal limits.

What is your diagnosis?

How would you treat Lucky for this problem?

Answers to follow!

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