Friday, December 16, 2016

Canine Lung Lobectomy Video

This is a brief description and video of lung lobectomy in a 14 year old male neutered West Highlight White Terrier named Chester.(Fig. 1) Chester presented for coughing for several weeks, and on plain film thoracic radiographs a mass was seen in the right middle lung lobe. (Fig. 2)
Fig. 1: Chester, a 14 yr old male neutered Westie diagnosed with a primary lung lobe tumor
Fig. 2a: Lateral thoracic radiograph of Chester showing a mass in the right middle lung lobe. (arrows)

Fig. 2b: Ventrodorsal thoracic radiograph of Chester showing the mass in the right middle lung lobe. (arrows)

After inducing general anesthesia and placing the dog on a ventilator, a routine right 5th intercostal space thoracotomy was performed. A mass was found on the dorsal aspect of the right middle lung lobe. (Fig. 3)
Fig. 3: Right lateral thoracotomy exposing a neoplasm of the right middle lung lobe (black arrow) in Chester.
Dorsal is to the bottom of the photo.
A lobectomy of the affected lung lobe was performed using the TA 30 (V3) Surgical stapling device. (Fig. 4 and video)
Fig. 4: TA Surgical Stapling device.
(Blue cartridge is shown, white cartridge (V3) was used in the case
described here. (

A thoracic drain tube was placed and the thoracotomy closed routinely.

Postoperative Care
The dog recovered well postoperatively and was given supportive care including intravenous fluids, analgesics, and monitoring of vital signs. Minimal amounts of air and fluid were recovered from the drain tube overnight. The drain tube was removed the following day and the dog discharged from the hospital. One week postoperatively the owner reports that Chester continues to do well at home. 

Histopathology of the mass revealed an adenosquamous carcinoma of the lung. Resection was felt to be complete with clean margins. Chester is currently receiving chemotherapy under the direction of our internist, Dr. Joanna Fry and Jessica Herzig, RVT. More updates to come!

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