Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Their Tails Kept Wagging: Pets Show Us How Hope, Forgiveness, and Love Prevail


When seriously ill pets are surrounded with love, they are more likely to survive. 

In my book: Their Tails Kept Wagging: Pets Show Us How Hope, Forgiveness, and Love Prevail, we tell the stories of critically ill dogs and cats who 
refused to give up despite poor odds of survival. They lived because of modern medicine and the love and compassion of their caregivers and owners. 

For more information about the book, go to: Their Tails Kept Wagging

Stephen’s quotes

"For life is a seamless web. It connects us not merely with one another, but with all that is sentient; with all that shares its miracle of birth and feeling and death."— Abe Fortas

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